springtime cupcakes

Hi, I’m back. Things have been more stressful than I care to deal with lately. We’re putting on a huge event at work, with more than 600 people, and I’ve been scrambling around  dealing with caterers, publicity and the like. Part of my job is to solicit donations. My goal is $2,000, right now I’m at about $800 and only have a week left. Because of budget cuts, my job position is getting the boot in the next few months, and I’m working really hard to prove I’m a valuable employee who can put on a rocking party. Oh, I’m an event planner, if you didn’t catch that part. I’ve also been spending all of my free time applying to jobs, since I’m pretty sure an event planner is one of the first things to go when budgets are cut.

Last week was a tough one, and I’m afraid it is only going to get harder until I: 1. Get laid off, 2. Find another Job, or 3. Get promoted (it’s a possibility, it’s just looking very bleak.)

So, I created these this weekend to cheer me up.

Springtime Cupcakes!

Hello, darling!

I got to use my arsenal of frosting tips. I didn’t, however read up on how to use them to create flowers, so I just sort of made it up as I went. This one turned out ok.

These looked a little funky.

This one may have been my favorite.

Easter eggs in the grass cupcake.

The hat cupcakes were a big hit. Sadly, I didn’t get a good picture of them. This is the worst looking one with a broken brim and melty buttercream. They were a blast and easy to make. I found the instructions at My Cake School Blog.

Then I made these, which I thought looked really Dr. Seuss-like.

These cupcakes are so vibrant and cheerful. How can they not cheer you up? I spent the rest of the week pushing them on my friends, neighbors, strangers…you know, my usual routine, so I won’t have a house full of cupcakes.

About heidi

a twenty-something young professional who enjoys crafting, cooking, sewing, and re-purposing old things.
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7 Responses to springtime cupcakes

  1. Not much of a cupcake maker myself, so I’m especially in awe of the icing jobs. Those are just too pretty to eat. Hmm, OK no they’re not.

  2. What pretty little cupcakes.

  3. what cheerful cupcakes. Too good to eat, though I’m sure they tasted delicious.
    Good luck raising your money

  4. Elaine says:

    Ahh!! Those are soo cute!!!!

  5. Cait says:

    Those look great, Heidi! Now I want a cupcake….

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